The RTI Act under section 4 provides a comprehensive framework for promoting openness in the functioning of the public authorities.
While Section 4(1) (a) provides a general guideline for record management, so that the information could be easily stored and retained, the sub-sections b, c and d of Section-4 relate to the organizational objects and functions. Sub-sections-(b), (c) and (d) of Section 4 of the RTI Act and other related information can be grouped under six categories; namely,
1-Organsiation and function,
2- Budget and programmes,
3- Publicity and public interface,
4- E-governance,
5- Information as prescribed and
6.Informationdisclosed on own initiative.
1. Organization and Functions
S. No. |
Item |
Details of disclosure |
Remarks/Reference Points(Fully met/partially met/ not met-NA will be treated as fully met/partially met) |
1.1 |
Particulars of its organization, functions and duties [Section4(1)(b)(i)] |
(i) Name and address of the Organization |
Pune-II CGST Commissionerate, 1st Floor, GST Bhawan, OppWadia College, Sassoon Road, Pune-411001 |
(ii) Head of the Organization |
Shri. Dilip Goyal, Commissioner |
(iii) Vision, Mission and Key objectives |
Please follow the link: |
(iv) Function and duties |
Please follow the link: |
(v) OrganizationChart |
Please follow the link: |
(vi)Anyotherdetails-thegenesis,inception,formation of the department and the HoDsfromtimetotimeaswellasthecommittees/Commissionsconstitutedfromtime to time have been dealt |
Please follow the link: |
1.2 |
Poweranddutiesofitsofficers andemployees[Section 4(1)(b)(ii)] |
(i) Powers and duties of officers(administrative,financialandjudicial) |
As derived from the CGST Act, 2017
(ii)Power andduties ofother employees |
As derived from the CGST Act, 2017 |
(iii)Rules/ordersunderwhichpowersanddutyare derivedand |
As derived from the CGST Act, 2017 |
(iv)Exercised |
As derived from the CGST Act, 2017 |
(v)Workallocation |
Work is equally distributed among the employees by the Commissioner and Division/Branch Heads |
1.3 |
Procedurefollowed indecisionmaking process[Section4(1)(b)(iii)] |
(i) ProcessofdecisionmakingIdentifykeydecision makingpoints |
All decisions are made as per Law, Rules, Circulars and procedures specified by CBIC. |
(ii)Final decision-makingauthority |
Head of Organization i.e. Commissioner |
(iii)Relatedprovisions,acts,rulesetc. |
CGST Act, 2017 & CGST Rules, 2017. |
(iv)Timelimit for takingadecision, if any |
As per the prescribed norms. |
(v)Channelofsupervisionandaccountability |
Please follow the link: |
1.4 |
Norms fordischarge offunctions[Section4(1)(b)(iv)] |
(i) Natureoffunctions/servicesoffered |
Please follow the link: |
(ii)Norms/standardsforfunctions/servicedelivery |
As per the CGST Act, 2017 As per Citizen’s Charter |
(iii)Processbywhichtheseservicescan beaccessed |
By Login to CBIC website or through GST Seva Kendra & by contacting jurisdictional office by post, e-mail or telephonically |
(iv)Time-limit forachievingthetargets |
As per CGST Act, 2017 As per Citizens’ Charter |
(v)Processofredressof grievances |
By contacting jurisdictional office by post, e-mail or telephonically or forum like CPGRAMS. |
1.5 |
Rules,regulations,instructionsmanual andrecords fordischargingfunctions[Section4(1)(b)(v)] |
(i) Title and nature of the record/ manual/Instruction. |
Available on CBIC website and Manual Records kept in Office |
(ii)ListofRules,regulations,instructionsmanualsandrecords. |
CGST Act, 2017 & CGST Rules, 2017 |
(iii)Acts/Rules manualsetc. |
CGST Act, 2017 & CGST Rules, 2017 |
(iv)Transfer policyandtransferorders |
As decided by the Chief Commissioner Office, Pune. |
1.6 |
Categories ofdocuments heldby the authorityunderitscontrol
[Section 4(1)(b)(vi)] |
(i)Categoriesof documents |
Service Books and Personal Files of Employees, Official records of the organization |
(ii)Custodianofdocuments/categories |
Heads of respective Sections. |
1.7 |
Boards,Councils,Committees andother Bodiesconstituted aspart of thePublicAuthority[Section4(1)(b)(viii)] |
(i) Nameof Boards, Council,Committeeetc. |
N/A |
(ii) Composition |
N/A |
(iii) Datesfromwhichconstituted |
N/A |
(iv) Term/Tenure |
N/A |
(v) Powersandfunctions |
N/A |
(vi) Whethertheir meetings are open to thepublic? |
N/A |
(vii)Whethertheminutesofthemeetingsare opentothe public? |
N/A |
(viii)Placewheretheminutesifopentothe Publicareavailable? |
N/A |
1.8 |
Directory ofofficers andemployees [Section4(1) (b)(ix)] |
(i) Nameanddesignation |
Please follow the link: |
(ii) Telephone,faxand emailID |
Please follow the link: |
1.9 |
MonthlyRemunerationreceived byofficers &employeesincludingsystem ofcompensation[Section 4(1) (b)(x)] |
(i) List of employees with Gross monthlyremuneration |
As per 7th Central Pay Commission |
(ii) System of compensation as provided in its regulations |
As per CCS(CCA) Pay Rules, 1965 |
1.10 |
Name,designation andother particularsof publicinformationofficers
[Section 4(1) (b)(xvi)] |
(i)Nameanddesignationofthepublicinformationofficer(PIO),AssistantPublicInformation(s)&Appellate Authority |
(ii) Address,telephonenumbersandemailIDofeachdesignated official. |
Please follow the link: |
1.11 |
No. Ofemployeesagainst whomDisciplinaryaction has beenproposed/taken
(Section4(2)) |
No.ofemployeesagainstwhomdisciplinaryactionhas been pending
(i) PendingforMinorpenaltyormajorpenaltyproceedings |
10 cases (No. of cases –Gr.-B-08 and Gr.-C-02) |
(ii) Finalized forMinorpenaltyormajorpenaltyproceedings |
1.12 |
Programmes toadvanceunderstandingof RTI
(Section26) |
(i) Educationalprogrammes |
As per guidelines from CBIC, Delhi. |
(ii) Effortstoencouragepublicauthoritytoparticipateinthese programmes |
Regular Training & Workshops held by the CBIC, Delhi. |
(iii) Trainingof CPIO/APIO |
(iv) Update&publishguidelinesonRTIbythePublicAuthoritiesconcerned |
Regular intervals |
1.13 |
Transfer policyand transferorders [F No. 1/6/2011-IRdt. 15.4.2013] |
Uploaded on website |
2. Budget and Programme
Sr. No. |
Item |
Detailsofdisclosure |
Remarks/Reference Points(Fullymet/partiallymet/ not met-Not applicablewillbetreatedasfullymet/partially met) |
2.1 |
Budget allocatedto each agencyincluding allplans, proposedexpenditure andreports ondisbursementsmade etc.[Section4(1)(b)(xi)]
(i) Total Budget forthepublicauthority |
As per CBIC Norms. |
(ii) Budgetfor each agency and plan &programmes |
(iii) Proposedexpenditures |
(iv) Revisedbudgetforeach agency,ifany |
(v) Reportondisbursementsmadeandplacewheretherelated reportsare available |
2.2 |
Foreign anddomestictours (F.No.1/8/2012-IRdt. 11.9.2012) |
(i) Budget |
N/A |
(ii) Foreign and domestic Tours by ministriesandofficialsoftherankofJointSecretaryto the Government and above, as well as theheadsofthe Department. a) Placesvisited b) Theperiodofvisit c) Thenumberofmembersintheofficialdelegation d) Expenditureonthevisit |
No foreign tour |
(iii) Informationrelatedtoprocurements a) Notice/tender enquires, and corrigendaifanythereon, b) Detailsofthebidsawardedcomprising the names of the suppliersof goods/servicesbeingprocured, c) Theworkscontractsconcluded–inanysuchcombinationoftheabove-and d) Therate/ratesandthetotalamountat whichsuchprocurementorworkscontract is to be executed. | and |
2.3 |
Manner ofexecution ofsubsidyprogramme[Section4(i)(b)(xii)] |
(i) Nameof theprogrammeofactivity |
N/A |
(ii) Objectiveoftheprogramme |
(iii) Proceduretoavail benefits |
(iv) Durationoftheprogramme/scheme |
(v) Physicalandfinancialtargetsofthe programme |
(vi) Nature/ scale of subsidy /amount allotted |
(vii) Eligibilitycriteriafor grantof subsidy |
(viii) Detailsof beneficiaries of subsidy programme(number,profileetc) |
2.4 |
Discretionaryandnon-discretionarygrants [F. No.1/6/2011-IR dt. 15.04.2013] |
(i) Discretionary and non-discretionarygrants/ allocations to StateGovt./NGOs/other institutions |
N/A |
(ii) Annualaccountsofalllegalentitieswhoareprovidedgrantsbypublicauthorities |
N/A |
2.5 |
Particulars of Recipients ofconcessions,permits of authorizationsgranted by the public authority[Section4(1)(b)(xiii)] |
(i) Concessions,permitsorauthorizationsgranted bypublicauthority |
N/A |
(ii) For each concessions, permit orauthorizationgranted a) Eligibilitycriteria b) Procedure for getting theconcession/ grantand/or permitsofauthorizations c) Nameandaddressoftherecipientsgivenconcessions/permitsorauthorisations d) Date ofaward ofconcessions/ Permitsofauthorizations |
NA |
2.6 |
CAG & PAC paras [F No.1/6/2011-IRdt. 15.4.2013] |
CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports(ATRs) after these have been laid on the table ofbothhouses oftheparliament. |
N/A |
3. Publicity Band Public interface
S. No. |
Item |
Details of disclosure |
Remarks/Reference Points(Fullymet/partiallymet/ not met-Not applicablewillbetreatedasfullymet/partially met) |
3.1 |
Particulars for anyarrangement forconsultation withor representationby themembersof the public inrelation to theformulation ofpolicyorimplementationthereof
[F No 1/6/2011-IRdt.15.04.2013] |
Arrangement for consultations with orrepresentationbythemembers of the public (i) RelevantActs,Rules,Formsandotherdocuments which are normally accessedbycitizens |
CGST Act, 2017. |
(ii) Arrangements for consultation with orrepresentationby a) Membersofthepublicinpolicyformulation/policyimplementation b) Day&time allottedforvisitors c) ContactdetailsofInformation&FacilitationCounter(IFC)toprovide publications frequently soughtbyRTIapplicants |
Members of the Trade/Taxpayers/Public can approach jurisdictional officer or head of office on any working day with/without prior intimation. Also, GST Seva Kendra is open during office hours to facilitate trade. Contact details are available on website. |
Public-privatepartnerships(PPP) (i) DetailsofSpecialPurposeVehicle(SPV),ifany |
N/A |
(ii) Detailedprojectreports(DPRs) |
N/A |
(iii) Concessionagreements. |
N/A |
(iv) Operationandmaintenancemanuals |
N/A |
(v) Otherdocumentsgeneratedaspartof theimplementationofthePPP |
N/A |
(vi)Information relating to fees, tolls, or theotherkindsofrevenuesthatmaybecollectedunderauthorisationfromthe government |
N/A |
(vii) Informationrelatingtooutputsand outcomes |
N/A |
(viii) Theprocessoftheselectionofthe privatesectorparty(concessionaireetc.) |
N/A |
(ix) AllpaymentmadeunderthePPPproject |
N/A |
3.2 |
Are the details ofpolicies /decisions, whichaffect public,informed to them[Section4(1)(c)] |
Publishallrelevantfactswhileformulatingimportant policies or announcing decisions whichaffectpublictomakethe processmoreinteractive; (i) Policy decisions/ legislationstaken inthepreviousone year |
Yes, through CBIC website, social media handle and outreach programs conducted from time to time. |
(ii) OutlinethePublicconsultationprocess |
N/A |
(iii) Outline the arrangement for consultation before formulation of policy |
N/A |
3.3 |
Dissemination ofinformationwidely and insuch form andmanner which iseasily accessibletothe public [Section4(3)] |
Useofthemosteffectivemeansofcommunication (i) Internet(website) |
3.4 |
Form ofaccessibility ofinformationmanual/ handbook[Section4(1)(b)] |
Informationmanual/handbookavailablein (i) Electronicformat |
E-mail, CBIC Website, Official Social Media handle |
(ii) Printedformat |
Registers & Files |
3.5 |
Whetherinformationmanual/handbookavailablefreeof cost or not[Section4(1)(b)] |
Listofmaterialsavailable (i) Freeof cost |
Manuals and various circulars, Notifications, pamphlets etc are available on CBIC, Zonal &Commissionerate’s Websites |
(ii) At areasonable costofthemedium |
NA |
4. e-Governance
S .No. |
Item |
Detailsofdisclosure |
Remarks/Reference Points(Fullymet/partiallymet/ not met-Not applicablewillbetreatedasfullymet/partially met) |
4.1 |
Languageinwhich InformationManual/HandbookAvailable [F No. 1/6/2011-IRdt.15.4.2013] |
(i)English |
As published by the Division of Publication |
(ii)Vernacular/LocalLanguage |
If published by the Division of Publication |
4.2 |
When was theinformationManual/Handbooklast updated? [F No. 1/6/2011-IRdt15.4.2013] |
Lastdateof Annualupdation |
N/A |
4.3 |
Informationavailable inelectronic form[Section4(1)(b)(xiv)] |
(i)Details of information available in electronicform | |
(ii)Name/titleofthedocument/record/other information | |
(iii)Locationwhereavailable | |
4.4 |
Particulars offacilities availableto citizen forobtaininginformation[Section4(1)(b)(xv)] |
(i)Name &locationofthefaculty | |
(ii)Detailsofinformationmadeavailable |
All relevant details |
(iii)Workinghoursofthefacility |
24 Hrs |
(iv)Contactperson&contactdetails(Phone,faxemail) |
Please follow the link: |
4.5 |
Such otherinformation asmay be prescribedunder section 4(i)(b)(xvii) |
(i) Grievanceredressalmechanism |
Through written application. |
(ii) Detailsofapplicationsreceivedunder RTIand informationprovided |
Fully met. Same is maintained in register. |
(iii) Listofcompletedschemes/projects/ Programmes |
N/A |
(iv) Listofschemes/projects/programme underway |
N/A |
(v)Detailsofallcontractsenteredintoincludingnameofthecontractor,amountofcontractandperiodof completionofcontract |
N/A |
(vi) Annual Report |
N/A |
(vii) FrequentlyAskedQuestion(FAQs) |
N/A |
(viii ) Any other information such as a) Citizen’s Charter |
N/A |
b) Result Framework Document (RFD) |
N/A |
c) Six monthly reports on the Performance against the benchmarks set in the Citizen’s Charter |
N/A |
4.6 |
Receipt &Disposal of RTIapplications &appeals [F.No1/6/2011-IRdt. 15.04.2013] |
(i) Detailsofapplicationsreceivedand disposed |
2022–57, 2023 – 268 and 2024 (upto 30.04.2024) –30
(ii) Detailsofappealsreceivedandordersissued |
2022 –Nil, 2023 –05 2024 - 01
4.7 |
Replies toquestions asked inthe parliament[Section 4(1)(d)(2)] |
Detailsofquestionsaskedandrepliesgiven |
Fully met |
5. Information as may be prescribed
S. No. |
Item |
Detailsofdisclosure |
Remarks/Reference Points(Fullymet/partiallymet/ not met-Not applicablewillbetreatedasfullymet/partially met) |
5.1 |
Such otherinformation asmay be prescribed[F.No. 1/2/2016-IRdt.17.8.2016,F No. 1/6/2011-IRdt. 15.4.2013] |
(i) Name&details of (a) CurrentCPIOs&FAAs (b) Earlier CPIO & FAAs from1.1.2015 |
(ii) Detailsofthirdpartyauditofvoluntarydisclosure
(a) Datesofauditcarriedout (b) Reportoftheauditcarriedout |
N/A |
(iii) AppointmentofNodalOfficersnotbelowtherankofJointSecretary/AdditionalHoD
(a) Dateofappointment (b) Name&Designationof theofficers |
N/A |
(iv) Consultancycommitteeofkeystakeholdersforadviceonsuo-motudisclosure
(a) Datesfromwhichconstituted (b) Name&Designationof theofficers |
N/A |
(v) CommitteeofPIOs/FAAswithrichexperience in RTI to identify frequentlysought information under RTI
(a) Datesfromwhichconstituted (b) Name & Designation of theOfficers |
N/A |
6. Information Disclosed on own Initiative
S. No. |
Item |
Detailsofdisclosure |
Remarks/Reference Points(Fullymet/partiallymet/ not met-Not applicablewillbetreatedasfullymet/partially met) |
6.1 |
Item / informationdisclosed so thatpublic haveminimumresortto use of RTI Acttoobtain information |
6.2 |
Guidelines forIndianGovernmentWebsites (GIGW)is followed(released inFebruary 2009and included inthe CentralSecretariatManual of OfficeProcedures(CSMOP) by Department ofAdministrativeReforms andPublicGrievances,Ministry ofPersonnel, PublicGrievance andPensions,Govt. Of India) |
(i) WhetherSTQCcertificationobtainedandits validity. (ii) Doesthewebsiteshowthecertificateon theWebsite? |